The Wide Sky Garden, Kaunas
Private Residence
Saulius Daniulaitis, A3 studija, http://www.a3studija.lt
This spacious and windy site has been transformed into a blissful, comfortable retreat. The owners wished for more privacy in the whole area, but especially in the area of the existing swimming pool.
The garden installation has resulted in making adjustments to the terrain, relocating the existing stones, the sculpture and the the stepping stones, creating some new sitting areas surrounded by plants as well as a secret shady garden seen from the living room. The new garden structure and the new planting areas helped to visually split the garden into more intimate spaces and bring the surrounding landscape into the site by blurring its boundaries.
In 2018 the garden won 1st place in the landscape category as well as the award initiated by the Lithuanian Association of Landscape Architects in the yearly competition „Trends", arranged by "Namas ir as" (House and Me) magazine.
Adomas Kaikaris